Everything is NOT OK
My family and I have been having a rough time. And I know we are not the only ones. We miss our friends and family and are anxious for things to get back to “normal.” Unfortunately, with cases on the rise that may be a long way off. This week was especially hard as the […]
Thoughts on Politics – from the peanut gallery
Lately a lot of my nights have been spent watching political speeches. As a producer on a national television program following the political rhetoric is a job requirement. I went into the news business to be a witness to history and have attended conventions during the last two Presidential election cycles. I attended two debates […]
He’s Got a Style All His Own
This year we decided to let our 4 1/2 year-old son make some of his own decisions. Now I am not talking about letting him pick out his own dinner every night (he would just eat chocolate bars) or pick what he wants to do every day (I would spend every hour at the park […]
Quest for the Perfect Christmas Card
Even before the release of the Royal Family’s quintessential Christmas card photo I felt bombarded by perfect families and their perfect Christmas photos. First it was the fancy Tiny Prints catalogs that arrived in the mail, showing glitter and foil stamped cards featuring beautiful, smiling families. Then posts from Kendra Wilkinson and Tori Spelling showed up in […]
Sibling Rivalry
I can remember fighting with my sister throughout my childhood. We were mean. We would punch and kick and hit each other. One time I even tried to push my sister out of a window (in a particularly regrettable moment). I can remember sitting on an airplane and torturing each other if one crossed the […]
I Owe An Apology to All Stay-At-Home Moms
At the end of July our beloved Au Pair Daniele had to move back to Brazil. This meant we had no childcare for the rest of the month. So, I decided to take some time off this summer and spend it with my kids. Day after day I sit in my office on the computer […]