Articles By This Author
I am So Much Cooler Online
Someone asked me the other day, “Do you go to Breckenridge every weekend?” No, no I don’t. In fact, I have been to the mountains approximately one time this year. (I used to ski 30 days a year so this is quite the change of lifestyle for me). On that one visit I braved the […]
Pacifier Wars
My husband decided that at nearly 2 ½ years-old it was time to take the pacifier away from our son Callum. So, my husband made a deal with the kid. Personally I think it is easier to make a deal with the devil than with a two-year-old but I acquiesced. The plan was to trade […]
Facebook Foibles
Facebook is a dangerous place. It’s filled with ex-boyfriends, ex-best friends, frenemies, relatives you never see, and even, in my case, your boss. If you start wandering too far into these profiles you might learn things you were better off not knowing. Did you want to see that your ex is happily married with the […]
The Magic of Christmas – and Our Quest for the Perfect Santa Photo
For the first time in years I could not sleep on Christmas Eve. Maybe it was the red wine or maybe it was the fact that we finally had a child in the house who understood Christmas. We were lucky this year to spend a lot of time with family and friends creating the magic […]
Lessons from Newtown
December 14, 2012 is a day I will never forget. I had taken the day off and was driving when I received a call from a colleague to tell me there had been a shooting. “It could be something or it could be nothing” she said. That’s pretty typical in the news business. But I […]
The TEXT Generation
Last week we went to Thanksgiving at my mother-in-law’s house. She made sure to invite other kids so my two-year-old would have friends to play with. But when the kids arrived they were all glued to their tablets (an Ipad and a Kindle Fire). My son tried kicking the soccer ball with them and they […]
Am I a Bad Parent?
I pretty much ask myself this question every single day. Am I a bad parent because every morning I let my kid watch cartoons (really, what else is there to do at 6am)? Am I a bad parent because every day I want a glass of wine by 5pm? Am I a bad parent because […]
The Job that NEVER Ends
Yesterday I woke up to a whiny two-year-at 6am after being up all night sick and taking care of a baby. I felt like a truck had hit me. I had a fever and could barely get out of bed. Every muscle in my body hurt. But how do you explain that to a two-year-old? […]
I Ran a Mile – a 15-MINUTE MILE…and it nearly killed me.
My daughter turned four weeks old and I decided that it was time to get back into the workout routine. As anyone with two kids at home knows, this requires a bit of organization. I had to hire a babysitter. I strapped on not one, not two but THREE bras. When I arrived at the […]