Don Lemon
"The Don Lemon Show" launched to cover the disappearance of MH370. Night after night we booked aviation experts, oceanographers and family members of those who were missing. The audience couldn't get enough. But weeks turned into months and a year later there were still no answers. The show continued to cover everything from social justice protests to the COVID-19 pandemic. I traveled with Don to the Ferguson, MO protests following Mike Brown's death and we was the first one to get the new police chief on air. I also traveled to the aftermath of the Las Vegas shooting, the Academy Awards and the Harry and Meghan's Royal Wedding. I booked and produced hours of unique live content bringing heartwarming stories and celebrity interviews to homes around the world.
Best of "The Don Lemon Show" on CNN
I worked for Don Lemon for the entirety of his 8+ year show. The show sometimes pushed the boundaries and often involved thought provoking conversations. Night after night we booked and produced two hours of television on the biggest news, hottest topics and with some of the biggest news makers. Sometimes we stayed on long after midnight to cover breaking news. And when the 2020 election came we produced four 8 hour overnight shows until the election was called.
LeBron James vs. President Donald Trump
I arranged this exclusive interview with LeBron James that set off a political firestorm when he said that President Trump used sports to divide people. “Sports has never been something that divides people,” James said. “It’s always been something that brings someone together.” The President responded with a tweet criticizing both LeBron and Don Lemon. Whenever you can produce something that becomes a part of the larger public cultural dialog it is impactful.
"Sports has never been something that divides people. It's always been something that brings someone together."
LeBron James
Don Lemon's big interviews
I traveled with Don Lemon and the CNN crew to Ferguson, MO after the death of Mike Brown. During the day there people marched in the streets and felt like they were making a difference but by nightfall it turned dangerous until they brought in a new Chief of Police – Capt. Ron Johnson. We were the first national news crew to secure an interview with him amidst the chaos on the ground.
Don and I worked behind the scenes, including a trip to Texas, to secure the first cable interview with Ebola Survivor Amber Vinson. This was an interview that every news anchor wanted but due to our diligence she chose to sit down with Don Lemon.
As soon as the we heard the news of the horrific mass shooting in Las Vegas I was on a plane to meet Don and arrange interviews with families who had been impacted. Their stories were heart wrenching and life changing and some I am still in touch with today.