Am I a Bad Parent?
I pretty much ask myself this question every single day. Am I a bad parent because every morning I let my kid watch cartoons (really, what else is there to do at 6am)? Am I a bad parent because every day I want a glass of wine by 5pm? Am I a bad parent because […]
The Job that NEVER Ends
Yesterday I woke up to a whiny two-year-at 6am after being up all night sick and taking care of a baby. I felt like a truck had hit me. I had a fever and could barely get out of bed. Every muscle in my body hurt. But how do you explain that to a two-year-old? […]
I Ran a Mile – a 15-MINUTE MILE…and it nearly killed me.
My daughter turned four weeks old and I decided that it was time to get back into the workout routine. As anyone with two kids at home knows, this requires a bit of organization. I had to hire a babysitter. I strapped on not one, not two but THREE bras. When I arrived at the […]